About us
ActiMaris AG is a company run by several families, which is why we attach great importance to a human interaction with our partners and customers.
We aim not only to learn from nature, but also to use it as a guide and the key developer of our technology and products, and to apply its wisdom to developing effective treatments.
We do not set out to create new science, just to let nature take its course and learn from it for as long as we live.
That is why all our products are based on biology, physiology and the pure nature of our body and mind. That is why we only use ingredients that are non-alien and so pose no potential threat of allergy or side effects.
Our team is still made up of highly skilled experts and scientists, as well as researchers and developers.
We now have over 15,000 documented patients and 10 publications, three of which have appeared in peer-reviewed journals. No adverse effects or other negative events were detected in this number of patients.
In the next two years, another clinical study is planned around “biofilms”.
ActiMaris® has in practice proven excellent in dissolving stubborn biofilms.
Now we want to prove this again with a clinical study.
We were successfully certified in 2015 by the SQS, after all problems and turmoil with the notified bodies in Europe, and re-certified as a medical product of the class IIb.